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Showing posts from June, 2017

Capital & Labor in the Race to Exploit the Other

The idea that labor exploits capital is equally as plausible, sans assumptions*, as the idea that capital exploits labor. This is only intended as a response to the formal concept, descriptive or normative, of exploitation in Marx's schema from Capital Volume I. * Assumptions include the power relation whereby capital is just assumed to be above labor hierarchically. ~ ~ Capital exploits labor because... ... Capital earns income from production done by labor that capital didn't perform & ~ Labor exploits Capital because... ... Labor earns income from capital that labor didn't buy ~ Basically in good old formal logic fashion both of those cases above, being factual descriptions, are true at once or are false at once.

Will Automation Make All of the Jobs Disappear?

... No . There is no reason to suggest that automation will dramatically increase unemployment in the short term, or at all in the long term. Seriously, it will not . Do read the links in the order in which they appear please. Finding the right comments in the third link might be quite interesting. They are all by a user called BestTrousers and start with "RI" meaning R1. The main argument used by HealthcareEconomist3 is to give a survey of several works, while BestTrousers goes for comparative advantage .