Don't mistake autarchy for autarky. The pronunciation of both word is the same but the meanings are quite different. Autarchy is self-rule, where autarky is self-sufficiency, and is one of the economic policy goals of fascism.
Robert LeFevre contrasts anrchy and autarchy by explaining the roots in Greek of both words;
Anarchy derives from the Greek. The prefix, an, denotes not or without. Archy denotes rule or ruling. Thus, anarchy means without rule. And in the hyphenations which have proliferated, it appears that few if any wish to be known simply as anarchists. Each person who will accept the label anarchist today probably has in mind a qualification of his position.
LeFevre again;
It would follow that a word in general usage which cannot be precisely applied to any particular person or doctrine without some type of explanation or modification, is more handy as a term of opprobium and scorn than otherwise.
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