This post has no intellectual rigour, but I'm posting it anyway, because neither does macroeconomics.
Most economists love spending all day doing macro, preferring it to the prosaic small-scale world of microeconomics.
This is where the brazen hypocrisy of many heterodox folks will make itself known, as they decry the fallacies of composition rife within neoclassical economics and then go away and commit the same daft mistakes themselves (sometimes quite well disguised) using aggregates of demand, supply, and labour time.
Further friction for modern economists can be had when contending with the tripartite division of economics into land, labour, capital, and the action of classes (the 'class' praxis) of the owners of those three economic resources.
So, to all of macroecon... you're drunk. Go home and rethink your life.*
* Yes I know I just committed a fallacy of reification.
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