... you guessed it, smashing in some windows... Reuters carry a video report about the protests as a whole including what the protesters are actually protesting. France 24 reporter Aurure Dupuis gives some info about anarchists in Paris during an otherwise peaceful protest back in April this year. Indeed those peaceful protesters were upset by the violence of the anarchists. Oh well. Maybe direct action and insurrection aren't all they're cracked up to be. Early this march the BBC reported on the protests , which included such inteeresting and ultimately quite harmless things as schoolkids barricading their schools. Amusing as these measures were, a later report included video of miscreants marring an otherwise peaceful march in Paris. Al Jazeera offers a similar line to the BBC - overal peaceful, marred by a few bad apples. Naturally The Guardian offers a childlike ignorance of basic economics in its coverage of the issue of labour law in France, but still toes th...
econ, philosophy and some forays into business and culture