George Monbiot is shilling for the glorious red future again. This isn't the first time he's written about neoliberalism this year, so I guess this is on his mind a fair bit. He even did a video for Verso on the subject. Having read David Harvey's book on the same subject I am disinclined to humor any nonsense about neoliberalism anymore than I am about cultural Marxism. ~ a. neoliberal laundry ~ 1. Monetarism in central bank policy 2. Privatization of lots of government organisations 3. Deregulation of many or all industries 4. Tax decreases as absolute quantities 5. Re-balancing of labor laws to be more than 50% in favor of employers 6. Decrease in funding for or abolition of state welfare benefits Did I miss anything? To what extent have the countries of the world implemented these policy changes since 1970? Well, Chile managed all six but went back to a 50/50 split in labour law when Pinochet was ousted. So that's one country. The USA did 1 a...
econ, philosophy and some forays into business and culture